Ana Sayfa DÜNYA 11 Haziran 2024

The Head of State sent a congratulatory telegram to the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi


International community

The Head of State sent a congratulatory telegram to the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi





President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated Narendra Modi on his re-election as Prime Minister of the Republic of India.

The Kazakh President stated that the re-election to such a high office demonstrates the unwavering trust and support of Indian citizens for the visionary policies of Narendra Modi.

– I am convinced that India will continue its impressive path as one of the fastest growing economies and attain new accomplishments under your strong leadership. Kazakhstan highly appreciates its long-standing strategic partnership with India that rests on strong bonds of friendship, shared values, and friendly ties between our people, – the telegram reads.




Kassym-Jomart Tokayev wished the Prime Minister every success in all his noble endeavors, as well as prosperity and well-being to the friendly people of India.

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